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.NET GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Barcodes Generator Library
.NET GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Barcodes Generator Library supports GS1-128 / EAN 128 barcode generation using C# or VB.NET class code. It is the most affordable .NET barcode generator for barcode .NET professionals.
.NET GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Barcode Introduction
EAN-128 is also known as EAN-128, UCC-128, USS-128, GS1-128, UCC.EAN-128, GTIN-128, UCC-12, EAN/UCC-13, EAN/UCC-14.
The UCC/EAN-128 Symbology is a subset of the more general Code 128 Symbology. UCC/EAN-128 was developed to provide a worldwide format and standard for exchanging common data between companies. While other bar codes simply encode data with no respect for what the data represents, UCC/EAN-128 encodes data and encodes what that data represents.
Use .NET Barcoding Library for GS1-128/EAN-128 Barcode Generation in WinForms Project
  1. Add KeepDynamic.BarCode.Windows.dll to your Windows Forms project reference and .NET developing toolbox
  2. Drag & drop the BarCodeControl item from Visual Studio toolbox to your windows forms project
  3. Click generated barcode image, change the value of SymbologyType to EAN128 and adjust the value of CodeText to the format of AI + data-to-encode in the Properties window
  4. Run the Windows Forms project and view generated GS1-128/EAN-128 barcode image
Use .NET Barcoding Library for GS1-128/EAN-128 Barcode Generation in ASP.NET Web Application
  1. Add KeepDynamic.BarCode.AspNet.dll to your ASP.NET web project reference and Vusial Studio toolbox
  2. Copy "linear.aspx", "linear.aspx.cs" from folder barcode to your ASP.NET project
  3. Drag & drop the BarCodeControl item from toolbox to your ASP.NET Web form pages
  4. Select created barcode image(which is Code 128 barcode), change the value of SymbologyType to EAN128 and adjust the value of CodeText to the format of AI + data-to-encode in the Properties window
  5. Run the ASP.NET web application and an industry-standard GS1-128/EAN-128 barcode images are generated & outputted
Use Free C# Code to Generate GS1-128/EAN-128 Barcode Images in .NET Application
// generate linear barcode object 
BarCode barcode = new BarCode();

// Set barcode type to EAN128
barcode.SymbologyType = SymbologyType.EAN128;

// Allow to encode tilde
barcode.ProcessTilde = true;

// Enter encodable data string, which equals to encode data as (12)123456
barcode.CodeText = "~ai212123456";

// set EAN128 barcode image settings
// Set bar width of EAN128
barcode.X = 2;

// set EAN128 barcode image
barcode.BarCodeWidth = 250;
barcode.BarCodeHeight = 90;

// save generated barcode images to png image file using C#
Read more about C# code for .NET GS1-128/EAN-128 barcode generation | Generate GS1-128/EAN-128 bar code using C#.NET
Use Free VB.NET Code to Generate GS1-128/EAN-128 Barcode Images in .NET Application
' generate linear barcode object 
Dim barcode As New BarCode()

' Set barcode type to EAN128
barcode.SymbologyType = SymbologyType.EAN128

' Allow to encode tilde
barcode.ProcessTilde = True

' Enter encodable data string, which equals to encode data as (12)123456
barcode.CodeText = "~ai212123456"

' set EAN128 barcode image settings
' Set bar width of EAN128
barcode.X = 2

' set EAN128 barcode image
barcode.BarCodeWidth = 250
barcode.BarCodeHeight = 90

' save generated barcode images to png image file using VB.NET
Read more about VB.NET code for .NET GS1-128/EAN-128 barcode generation | Generate GS1-128/EAN-128 bar code using VB.NET
.NET GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Barcodes Properties

Barcode properties HTTP Parameters Default Comments
GS1-128 specific properties SymbologyType symbology-type Code128 Type of barcode symbology

Change the barcode type to GS1-128 using the value: SymbologyType.EAN128 (17)
CodeText code-text "1234567890" The valid character set of GS1-128 contains:

  • All 128 charaters of ASCII
FNC1 fnc1 0 (none) The Function Code 1 (FNC1) specifies that a Code 128 barcode is a GS1-128 code.
ApplicationIndicator ai 0 The Application Identifier. It is used to identify the data type in the GS1-128 barcode.

  • Sample: "AI(11)20100605"

The AI code "11" designates that the following code "20100605" is the production date.
EnableChecksum enable-checksum true Checksum will be calculated automatically when the value is set as true.
ProcessTilde process-tilde false If the ProcessTilde property is set as true, you can use the tilde character "~" to specify special characters in the input data.

~NNN: is used to represent the ASCII character with the value of NNN. NNN is from 000 - 255.
Symbology properties X x 2 The width of narrow bars and the default value of X is 2 pixels.

You can increase the value of X to enhance the readability of the barcode if the barcode scanners could not read stably the barcode which is set as the default value in X dimension.
Y y 75 Height of a barcode module

The default bar height value is 75 pixels
Resolution resolution 72 This property set the resolution in DPI of a barcode image to be drawn, and the default value that is set to printer is 72 pixels. You can adjust the value to get a custom resolution barcode image.
GraphicsUnit graphics-unit GraphicsUnit.Pixel This is the barcode graphic measurements for all size related settings. There are three type of measurements:
  • 0: pixel;
  • 1: cm;
  • 2: inch.
The default value is pixel
Rotate rotate 0 The Rotate property allows you changing the angle of a barcode. The valid values are:
  • Rotate0: do not rotate the barcode
  • Rotate90: rotate the barcode 90 degrees clockwise
  • Rotate180: rotate the barcode 180 degrees clockwise
  • Rotate270: rotate the barcode 270 degrees clockwise
DisplayCodeText display-code-text true The default value is true, which makes the encoded data message human readable. Otherwise the data message text will not be displayed on the barcode image
CodeTextFont code-text-font "Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11 CodeTextFont property is used for changing the font style of data message text that can be read by human eyes.
Image properties Format format ImageFormat.Png This is a method that is used for exporting barcode to different type of image formats. It allows developers generate barcode in formats like JPEG/JPG, BMP, GIF, and PNG.

The default method is ImageFormat.Png. Image format type. Using System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat
LeftMargin left-margin 0 The property to set the distance between the symbol and the left margin of a barcode image.
RightMargin right-margin 0 The property to set the distance between the symbol and the right margin of a barcode image.
TopMargin top-margin 0 The property to customize the space between the symbol and the top margin on a barcode image
BottomMargin bottom-margin 0 The property to change the space between the symbol and the bottom margin on a barcode image

.NET GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Barcodes Supported Barcode Types