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Java UPC-A Barcode Overview
UPC-A is also known as Universal Product Code version A, UPC-A Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, UPC-A Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, UPC-A+5, UPC-A+2, UPC Code, UPC Symbol, GTIN-12, GS1-12, UCC-12.
UPC-A is used for marking products which are sold at retail in the USA. The barcode identifies the manufacturer and specific product so point-of- sale cash register systems can automatically look up the price.
The UPC-A Code and the assignment of manufacturer ID numbers is controlled in the U.S.A. by the Uniform Code Council (UCC).
Java Barcode UPC-A Generator SDK - How to Generate Barcode UPC-A in Java Class?
The Java code below is used to generate UPC-A barcode in Java class.
BarCode barcode = new BarCode(); 

// set barcode properties

// draw and generate barcode to buffered image object
BufferedImage upcaImage = barcode.drawBarCode2Image();
Java Barcode UPC-A Generator SDK - How to Generate UPC-A Barcodes in Java Servlet Applicatons?
The following Java code illustrates how to generate linear UPC-A barcode in Java Servlet class:
public class BarcodeServlet extends HttpServlet { 
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException
try {
BarCode barcode = new BarCode();

// set barcode properties

// draw and generate barcode to response's ServletOutputStream
ServletOutputStream servletoutputstream = response.getOutputStream();


} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServletException(e);
Java Barcode UPC-A Generator - How to Create UPC-A Barcodes through HTTP Request?
  1. Install Java Barcode Generator Servlet application to Tomcat or JBoss, developers need copy the barcode folder to your Tomcat application folder, and restart the Tomcat.
  2. After Tomcat restarted, open your browser and navigate to
  3. You can also insert barcodes in HTML or JSP pages.
    <img src="http://your_tomcat_url:port/barcode/barCode?code-text=11000000000&symbology-type=19">
Java Barcode UPC-A Generator SDK - How to Create & Output UPC-A Barcode in java.awt.Image Object
The following Java source code shows how to generate a barcode in a java.awt.Image object:
private static void demoLinearBarcode() throws Exception 
BarCode barcode = new BarCode();

// set barcode properties

// create image object
java.awt.image.BufferedImage image = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(300,300,java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED );
// get graphic context of image
java.awt.Graphics2D imgGraphics = image.createGraphics();

// draw barcode to specified location in Rectangle
barcode.paintBarCode(imgGraphics, new java.awt.Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300));
Java UPC-A Properties
UPC-A Type Value: com.keepdynamic.barcode.generator.BarCode.UPCA (19).

UPC-A Supplement 2 Type Value: com.keepdynamic.barcode.generator.BarCode.UPCA_2 (20).

UPC-A Supplement 5 Type Value: com.keepdynamic.barcode.generator.BarCode.UPCA_5 (21).

Class Properties HTTP Parameters Default Comments
symbologyType symbology-type BarCode.CODE128 (8) Barcode type
codeText code-text "" Barcode value to encode
enableChecksum enable-checksum true Checksum for barcode value
supplementData supplement-data "" Barcode supplementary value to encode. only valid for EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A, UPC-E, ISBN, ISSN
supplementSpace supplement-space 15 Barcode supplementary space between main barcode and supplement barcode. only valid for EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A, UPC-E, ISBN, ISSN
graphicsUnit graphics-unit BarCode.U_PIXEL (0) BarCode graphics meature for all size related settings. 0: pixel; 1: cm; 2: inch. Default is pixel
X x 2 Width of barcode module (narrow bar), default is 2 pixel
Y y 75 Barcode module height, default is 75 pixel
leftMargin left-margin 0 Barcode image left margin
rightMargin right-margin 0 Barcode image right margin
topMargin top-margin 0 Barcode image top margin
bottomMargin bottom-margin 0 Barcode image bottom margin
resolution resolution 72 Barcode image resolution in dpi
rotate rotate 0 Barcode rotate angle, valid values: 0, 90, 180, 270
displayCodeText display-code-text true If true, display barcode value text, otherwise do not display.
codeTextFont code-text-font "Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11 Barcode text font style
displayStartStopChar display-start-stop-char true For Code 39 Only. If true, display the start and stop char (*) in the begining and end of barcode value.
I i 1.0 For Code 39 Only. Width of intercharacter gap, This a multiple of X; default is 1.0
wideNarrowRatio wide-narrow-ratio 2.0 For Code 39 and ITF14 Only. Wide vs narrow bar width ratio, valid range 2.0 - 3.0 inclusive, default is 2.0
ITF14BarHori itf14-bar-hori 1.0 For ITF14 Only. The value of the horizontal bearer bar. Valid values are 0-10 which are a multiple of X.
ITF14BarVert itf14-bar-vert 1.0 For ITF14 Only. The value of the vertical bearer bar. Valid values are 0-10 which are a multiple of X.
processTilde process-tilde false Set the processTilde property to true, if you want use the tilde character "~" to specify special characters in the input data. Default is false.
~NNN: is used to represent the ASCII character with the value of NNN. NNN is from 000 - 255.
eci eci 3
fnc1Mode fnc1-mode 0 (none)
applicationIndicator ai 0

Java Barcode UPC-A Generator SDK - Supported Barcode Types