1D/2D Barcode Generator & Reader  >  ASP.NET BarCode Server Control  >  Linear barcodes generator for ASP.NET

Linear barcode generator for ASP.NET


Linear barcode generator for ASP.NET is a professional barcode class library for generating linear barcodes on the web server sides. This linear barcode generator helps you create linear (1D) bar code applications in ASP, ASP.NET and PHP. It requires No program installation on the client. This is an advantageous way of including linear barcodes in your web application.

Generate linear barcode image in ASP.NET applications

Tech features of ASP.NET 1D barcode generator component

The linear barcode creator for ASP.NET has many advantages. The linear barcode software components simplify linear bar code generation in web applications immensely and the linear barcode creation gets fast and easily. It also has the feature of easy implementation. The linear bar codes are generated in image format, held in memory and sent directly to the browser - there is no roundabout through the hard drive of the server necessary - time consuming resource cleanup is dropped. Quick Integration saves the developing time of the programmers.

The advantage for programmers: The provided sample code for ASP, ASP.NET and PHP can be wrapped into the respective application in most cases without changes. Online Test Drive function is provided. With this Online Linear Bar Code Generator you can generate almost every linear bar code type in arbitrary output quality directly in the browser window.

The Data Flow between Browser and Web Server works the same way in ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Cold Fusion and other dynamic web applications. Linear barcodes may be created easily at server side by means of ASP and ASP.NET and may be streamed to client side. JPG, PNG, BMP images formats are available. With the Image Data Stream, The linear barcode generator for ASP.NET adds barcode streaming generation functionality to all web applications and development environments that can display a dynamic URL such as MS Word or reporting software such as Crystal Reports and FileMaker.