Reporting Services Barcode  >  1D barcode for SSRS  >  Generate Barcodes in Reporting Services  >  Create UPC-E barcode in SSRS

UPC-E Barcode Generator for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services

diaplay, draw, encode UPC-E barcodes in SSRS with the Reporting Services barcode


The UPC-E Barcode Generator for SQL Reporting Services (SSRS) is a professional and advanced UPC-E barcode generator for .NET framework. The reliable SQL Reporting Services (SSRS) Barcode CRI (Custom Report Item), or .NET DLL Class Library, helps you to generate UPC-E,UPC-E Supplement 5 and UPC-E Supplement 2 barcodes in Microsoft Reporting Services reports. The Reporting Services UPC-E Barcode can be utilized as an integrated .NET component without the use of any barcode fonts. The .NET UPC-E barcode DLL provided by KeepDynamic is created in C#.NET with 100% managed code, digitally signed and time-stamped.

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It is easy to draw UPC-E,UPC-E Supplement 5 and UPC-E Supplement 2 barcodes in Microsoft SQL Reporting Services (SSRS) reports with a Custom Report Item (CRI). With this Reporting Services UPC-E Barcode, the checksum or check digits may be automatically computed and the value to encode may be automatically validated.

The utilization of the Reporting Services UPC-E Barcode requires Microsoft Reporting Services with SQL Server 2005 or 2008. Windows 2000 and later versions with .NET Framework 2.0 or greater are supported by the Reporting Services UPC-E Barcode.

The UPC-E barcodes generated in Reporting Services by the .NET barcode Component (CRI & .NET DLL Class Library) has a flexible barcode size which may adjust the UPC-E X-dimension, wide-to-narrow ratio, UPC-E barcode height, margins and the white space between the bars in the UPC-E barcode. Data Binding API is provided within the .NET UPC-E barcode component to bind to fields in SQL Server. UPC-E Barcode Orientation may be adjusted to 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees based on requirements, without any readable trouble. It supports the generation of high quality UPC-E barcode image formats in JPG, GIF, BMP, and PNG. DPI Configuration Options are provided to set high UPC-E barcode image resolution to meet requirements.