C# USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode Generator
Intelligent Mail(IM) barcode, or OneCode barcode embedding in .NET projects with C#
Keepdynamic.com supply USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) C# .NET Barcode Generator for the creation of USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) barcodes in your C# .NET framework projects.
Related solutions for generating OneCode image in C#.NET
Technologies of USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) C# .NET Creator
C# .NET USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) Barcode Creator helps you generate USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) barcodes that you probably need in your C# .NET applications. It is entirely built in .NET 2.0 and supports .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0. Bar coding of USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) in C# .NET classes and console applications is easy. Using this C# .NET Barcode Creator USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) barcodes can also be easy to be generated in ASP.NET web projects, Microsoft Windows Forms, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), and Crystal Reports.
Barcode images generated by C# .NET USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) Barcode Creator
Image formats supported by this USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) C#.NET barcode Creator include gif, jpeg, png, bmp, and tiff. Barcodes USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) can be rotated to 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees based on specific requirements. The image size and other properties USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) may be adjusted to meet the users' specifications. High quality barcodes USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) are supported by this product without any distortion. Bearer bar for USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) barcode are easy to be generated.
Customization of USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) Barcodes
Full functional features of C# .NET USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) Barcode Creator make the operation of barcode easy and simple. Using this USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) creator, the appearance of the human readable characters on USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) barcodes can be enabled or disabled. USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) C# .NET Barcode Creator provided the functionality of configuring the colors of foreground and background. It is easy to encode the returns, tabs and other functions into your C# .NET applications. Bearer bar is also easy to be generated for USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode)
USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) Source code and Developer License
Complete C# .NET USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) Barcode Creator source code is provided with the purchasing of unlimited developer license. Royalty is free if purchasing a developer license.
Create Intelligent Mail(Onecode) barcode in C#.NET
BarCode barcode = new BarCode();
barcode.SymbologyType = SymbologyType.Onecode;
barcode.CodeText = "12345678901234567890";
barcode.EnableChecksum = true;
barcode.GraphicsUnit = KeepDynamic.Barcode.Generator.GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
barcode.X = 2;
barcode.Y = 75;
barcode.LeftMargin = 0;
barcode.RightMargin = 0;
barcode.TopMargin = 0;
barcode.BottomMargin = 0;
barcode.Resolution = 72;
barcode.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate0;
barcode.DisplayCodeText = true;
barcode.CodeTextFont = new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Regular);
barcode.Format = ImageFormat.Png;